
Evidence-based benefits

Regular daily practice of advanced meditation produces proven contrasted benefits and ensures levels of improvement in mental powers, health and relationships with the environment. Many of these benefits are obtained in the short term, either immediately or during the training program, and accumulate in our bodies and mind.

Residential Program

It is a retreat for rest and meditation to be together, a beautiful and rural house far from the rumbling noise of the hustle and bustle of the city. The aim of the program is to have some personal time for rest and to recover a state of mental and physical balance in group living.

Transcendental Meditation Siddhi Program

The Transcendental Meditation Siddhi Program prepares people to bring their conscious states, so that they would be able to operate from a deeper level.

Advanced Meditation Program

It is a complete and solid training program to enhance conscious leadership through advanced meditation techniques.


“I had always tried, but I never got away with it. With this course I have learned that meditation fits into my rhythm of life and not me into meditation. And the results have been remarkable. I sleep better, it helps me to have more focus and I have already adopted this tool as a help to recover energy and soften stressful moments. I definitely recommend it!”

“Through this course, I discovered that Meditation is like Music …
What is music? but Silence between the notes to avoid it being a noise, a cacophony.
In Meditation, we seek silence among our thoughts to avoid this mental noise.
Little by little we encourage these spaces of silence with practice to reach a point of synchronicity that unites us to the essence of oneself, the Vacuity,
non-duality, as in the Cosmos: Silence, Peace, efficiency in non-action.

Thank you very much Josep M.”

“Through this advanced meditation course, I have achieved more inner peace, mental clarity, better time management, good harmony with environment. Overall higher quality of life.”

“I have learned a way of fundamental relaxation, which allows us to release thoughts and relax the mind.

As one who does a stretch and sees the immediate benefits in muscle, meditation has allowed me to see very similar benefits, sleep much better, reduce stress, improve concentration, etc.

The brain, the great unknown, for the first time we are able to “work” with him and the great beneficiary is us.

For me the course is essential and has given me a knowledge that today is priceless.”