
Evidence-based benefits

Regular daily practice of advanced meditation produces proven contrasted benefits and ensures levels of improvement in mental powers, health and relationships with the environment. Many of these benefits are obtained in the short term, either immediately or during the training program, and accumulate in our bodies and mind.

Residential Program

It is a retreat for rest and meditation to be together, a beautiful and rural house far from the rumbling noise of the hustle and bustle of the city. The aim of the program is to have some personal time for rest and to recover a state of mental and physical balance in group living.

Transcendental Meditation Siddhi Program

The Transcendental Meditation Siddhi Program prepares people to bring their conscious states, so that they would be able to operate from a deeper level.

Advanced Meditation Program

It is a complete and solid training program to enhance conscious leadership through advanced meditation techniques.


“I began to meditate and my perception of life took an important turn: I have learned to channel my energy, I am more aware of the value of the small everyday things, I have more inner peace and personal balance, better in managing my work and personal time, and I notice a significant improvement in my physical well-being.”

“Carrying out this training has been a before and after in my life. In just two months, through advanced meditation (Raja Yoga) I managed to free my skin from some patterns that accompanied me before more than twenty years This training has made me aware of how powerful this tool is, however it is important to consider that the path of meditation is not easy, given that there are other issues that are not resolved in two months and which require tenacity and perseverance on this path. For me, the plus of quality and rigour is given by the teacher who accompanies the training, Josep Maria, who, apart from being an expert in this science because he has devoted practically all of his your life, is a facilitator with a rich and extensive background and theoretical base that gets you there in a very clean, transparent, easy and friendly way. In short, a revolutionary tool that is well worth integrating into your life, for anyone.”

“For anyone who may be interested in my testimony and be inspired.

I met José M through a legal services provider who told me about him and what he does.

When I started the advanced meditation training course, my personal state of physical and mental health was very critical. For three months, I followed the advanced meditation program, and it has been key in my recovery of health.

Meditation has been a real find in my life. During these three months, since I started practicing meditation on a regular basis, I have achieved very significant improvements. I emphasize the strong increase in the feeling of inner peace and happiness that is the basis of enjoying life; I have significantly improved my emotional response, with a calmer attitude and action; I have improved my ability to calm down and relax in the face of daily challenges; I have a significant increase in positivity that has allowed me to feel that it improved my quality of life and that I better manage conflict situations in a more decisive way. I can say that I feel an internal growth and a better understanding of my personal resources and how to use them effectively and efficiently to respond to daily demands as personal as professional. I have also found that I have improved relations with my personal and professional environment.

I can affirm that the regular practice of advanced meditation has contributed in all these improvements in a very high percentage, more than 75%.

I encourage you to incorporate the practice of advanced meditation into your life.”

“I found the course very interesting and necessary to be able to get started in meditation. Entering this new world has given me peace of mind, mental clarity, improved emotion management and personal growth. It has been a pleasure to enjoy the accompaniment of Josep Maria Clopés in what will be this new way of understanding and living life. Thanks!”